If you've got a list of pending expenses staring back at you and you're trying to make your way through them individually, we've got good news. At Payhawk, we recently introduced a pay-in-bulk feature that lets you select multiple expenses, bulk review, pay quickly, and take one big job off your to-do list.
Reimbursing employees can be time-consuming, especially if you have to manage multiple entities across multiple currencies. Promptly reimbursing employees should be a priority for any business, so keeping the process fast and efficient is vital.
At Payhawk, we're constantly introducing new features to further streamline expense management processes for finance teams, and our latest feature does just that.
Stop chasing receipts: Discover easy, efficient expense management.
Managing multiple expenses has never been easier. With our brand-new expense management feature, you can multi-select, review, and pay expenses in bulk, saving you precious time and resources.
As a finance manager or controller overseeing your company expenses, there will be times when you need to reimburse many people at once. Instead of doing it one at a time, you can select multiple pending expenses and, with just a few clicks, ensure your employees receive their expected funds fast, regardless of their currency.
Say goodbye to inefficient reimbursing for good.
Non-finance employees will feel the benefit of this feature too. They can bulk-review their outstanding expenses and submit them to finance controllers, making the process easier and quicker for everyone.
At Payhawk, we offer growing businesses and enterprise customers a comprehensive and dynamic way of managing the entire expense management process.
Complex organisational structure? It’s no problem with our customisable features. Create team or individual card spending limits to keep a tight hold on company spending. Build custom expense approval workflows to empower budget holders and make digital expense submission easy for employees with our AI-powered camera.
Ready to see these features and more in action? Close your month twice as fast? And get complete real-time reconciliations? Book a personalised demo today.
Trish Toovey works across the UK and US markets to craft content at Payhawk. Covering anything from ad copy to video scripting, Trish leans on a super varied background in copy and content creation for the finance, fashion, and travel industries.