Product update

Payhawk NextGen Company Credit Card
Product update9 Nov 20205 mins read

Payhawk launches NextGen company cards with built-in spend rules

TravelPerk And Payhawk Integration Cover
Product update30 Sept 20205 mins read

Payhawk partners with TravelPerk to streamline travel expenses

Payhawk Expense History Archive Feature Screenshot
Product update3 Sept 20205 mins read

Expense history, archiving months and more. Here is what's new!

Flight Delay Compensation
Corporate cards2 Sept 20205 mins read

Flight delay compensations for Payhawk cardholders

Payhawk partners with Visa to issue business cards with 0.50% exchange rates
Corporate cards15 Jun 20205 mins read

Payhawk partners with Visa to issue business cards with 0.50% exchange rates

Payhawk Requests
Product update3 Jun 20205 mins read

Introducing Requests and Spending Policies
