Gtmhub ist eine OKR-Plattform (Objective and Key Results), mit der Unternehmen die interne Ausrichtung verbessern und den Fokus beibehalten können. Sie begleitet Unternehmen auf ihrem Weg zu beschleunigtem Wachstum und Transformationswandel.
“Wir sind von Revolut zu Payhawk gewechselt, nicht nur, weil es mit Payhawk einfacher ist, die Compliance-Anforderungen zu erfüllen, sondern auch, weil wir die Unterstützung bekommen, die wir brauchen.“
With more than 600 clients worldwide, Gtmhub is the most powerful Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) platform that enables organizations to connect strategic priorities and daily execution. Closing a €9 million Series A financing round led by CRV, the company powered the evolution of its platform into an enterprise success system that helps customers amplify goal achievement and accelerate growth.
OKRs evolved from the DNA of goals and management by objectives (MBOs) at Intel in the 1970s. They migrated to Google in the late 1990s and the rest of Silicon Valley. OKRs are the best way for companies to establish focus and alignment around a shared purpose and embed transparency into the organization's culture to engage and excite everyone to deliver their best work.
We had a chance to talk to Polina, Gtmhub's CFO. She shared why they chose Payhawk over Revolut.
We finally opened an account with Payhawk at the beginning of 2020, but it was not until these past few months that we really started using it. We switched from Revolut to Payhawk not only because it’s easier to meet compliance requirements with Payhawk buFt also because we get all the support we need.
"Customer care. If I ever find myself struggling with the platform, I just pick up the phone, call the Payhawk team and they are on it. Their customer support is the thing I value most. Everyone is so responsive – the Payhawk team is able to help me solve my issues even post working hours on weekends or holidays."
Product-wise, I really like the mobile push notifications that alert me whenever a card expense occurs. I’m advising everyone from the team to have those enabled because they are super effective.
What’s more, not long ago, I decided to check exactly how much we at Gtmhub were using the Payhawk platform. First, I checked if the team is scanning and uploading expenses documents. This is extremely important to us as our accounting team needs to track, store, and manage everyone’s receipts and invoices. And I was pleasantly surprised – everyone had uploaded their receipts. This is a major milestone. So, thank you for making the accountants’ lives easier.
I think that Payhawk offers the best combination of a payment platform and an expense management tool. It includes many layers and processes – your product is just perfect for mid-size companies.
Also, Gtmhub is currently working with an external accounting firm. The accounting firm recently told me that they love how they receive the information from Payhawk. The information is consolidated, with links to all the documents – this is of huge convenience to them and again makes the work of a regular accountant painless.
In my opinion, all employees who go on business trips should have such cards. If you fear that people will use up all company funds, just set low spending limits, like 100 Euros.
This is a convenient, paperless, and totally secure process. If needed, you can freeze the card in a minute. Finance managers can administer limits and access to all expenses in real-time. So, my advice would be – if a finance manager has any concern over providing other employees with payment cards, they should just start with lower spending limits.
What we previously did at Gtmhub was to make bank wire transfers before trips. This occasionally led to delays in payments. That’s why having Payhawk cards makes the lives of everyone easier.
Payhawk is also a great budgeting tool. I am currently not using the product as a budgeting tool because our budget changes every month – this is what usually happens in startups. But if you’re part of a large organization with a 1-year budget, Payhawk is a great tool for budget management.
I’d like to see Payhawk introduce bank payments and credit cards along with the debit cards you already offer. Also, you should consider offering cashback. I’m really looking forward to seeing these features implemented.
Payhawk is working on these improvements. Stay tuned and talk to us for more details.